Communication strategies are the way to go if you want your team to be more effective. Often, we see businesses with communication issues and wonder how they are getting along. A simple review of these communication strategies can provide answers to that question.

Strategic non-verbal communication means communicating a message, idea, plan, or specific information that meets a company’s long-term strategic goal by allowing the facilitation of creative, collaborative, and inclusive planning. Communication strategies also include writing a mission statement, developing a business plan, articulating corporate philosophy, providing honest information, communicating expectations, setting standards and milestones, and engaging employees. Although the list can go on, the core of any communication strategy is clearly to engage employees and keep them engaged so that they know what is expected of them. When people know what is expected of them, they are more likely to get the task done in a timely fashion and are much more likely to provide consistent, reliable results.
Strategic communication strategies are really about communication and how you can reach out to your audience. The first step is really to identify your target audience. While this is easier said than done when you are working with a global organization, it is definitely doable for a local business. For example, if you own and operate a nail salon you probably have local target customers. However, if you work primarily with the medical community, you may need to develop communication strategies with a different audience in mind.
One of the key communication strategies is to consider your message in everyday language. For instance, if you own and operate a nail salon, you may notice that often you are speaking to the same group of individuals – their family and friends. Your message needs to be presented in a language that everyone understands. Some communication strategies that are often overlooked is to use a different tone of voice and emphasize non-verbal communication such as body language and non-verbal cues.
Many companies overlook non-verbal communication strategies and focus on only text message marketing. It’s true that a text message advertisement is very fast and easy to send, but if your message is not received by the intended recipient then you’re not getting much benefit from your advertising dollar. As an example, when people receive a text message advertisement from a business they tend to either click on the advertisement or they get distracted by another advertisement on the screen. If your text message advertisement did not contain a call to action, a consumer might get the message but then stop what they were doing and wait to see what your company has to offer them. It’s because of this that many businesses have now included non-verbal communication strategies in their marketing campaigns.
Accounting firms also face the challenge of reaching their potential audience. They must present a strong message that helps consumers understand the nature of their business while still conveying a professional tone. In order to effectively present this message, accounting firms need to develop effective communication strategies. Some of these strategies can be seen in the way certain professionals like accountants approach and interpret certain situations such as speaking with clients.
There are three specific types of communication techniques used in accounting: verbal communication techniques, non-verbal communication techniques and textual communication techniques. Verbal communication techniques can include body language, tone and enthusiasm. Non-verbal communication techniques can include using jargon, acronyms and specific words or phrases. Textual communication techniques can include using maps, formulas and graphs. The type of strategy that your firm employ will depend on the nature of your work and the conversations you normally have with clients.
Having strong communication skills is something that all accountants should strive to develop. A highly skilled accountant can make the most complicated accounting job seems simple. A solid foundation in financial skills also makes it easier to communicate your ideas clearly and to find solutions to complex problems. However, just having strong communication skills is not enough. To succeed in this field, accountants need to be good listeners and excellent communication managers as well. This combination of highly developed skills makes an accountant a great asset for any firm.